Green Machine: the name of this smoothie says it all. Spinach, broccoli, banana, celery, pineapple and mango. A tasty combination of bright green fruits and vegetables, a natural fuel for the body and a source of energy and vitamins. A perfect smoothie to boost your energy or to enjoy while you relax, knowing that you are giving your body a healthy and nutrition-packed drink. Want to know more? Read on, we’ll tell you all about it.

green machine


Like all Life Smoothies, Green Machine is made with a selection of fruits and vegetables that are picked and frozen when they are perfectly ripe, so that they retain all their properties when making this drink. This combination of ingredients provides the perfect balance. Banana, pineapple and mango are natural sweeteners and enhance the flavour of the vegetable ingredients: spinach, broccoli and celery.


It is widely proven that green leafy vegetables are a rich source of nutrients. Among this group of foods, spinach is one of the most important. It provides us with a large amount of vitamin K, potassium, folic acid and natural antioxidants. In addition, its properties can help us to:

  • Combat stress.
  • Improve antioxidant status
  • Take care of your cardiovascular system
  • Keep you fuller for longer
  • Maintain healthy hair and skin


One of the most widely used vegetables in the world because of its benefits. You can eat it in many different ways. In salads, cooked, as a garnish, with lemon and chilli or, as we like it, in a smoothie. This vegetable provides you with water, vitamins and minerals.

  • Hydrating and remineralising
  • Helps in fluid loss
  • Is anti-inflammatory
  • Fights bacteria



A nutritious source of goodness for our body. Considered by many experts to be a superfood: with just 200 g of this broccoli we meet our daily vitamin C requirements, as well as providing us with folic acid and vitamin A.

  • Protects the eyes from the sun’s radiation
  • Strengthens hair roots
  • Is good for your skin
  • Improves your mood
  • Protects your heart
  • Is a source of iron

green machine


This fruit is one of the most popular in the world. Did you know that they are herbaceous plants? They do not have a trunk like others and can grow up to 6 metres long in clusters of up to almost 400 bananas. They contain a lot of water, although it may not seem like it, with approximately 75% in each unit. They are mainly known for their potassium, which helps many athletes to recover their energy and prevent cramps. They can also help to:

  • Protect your heart
  • Strengthen the health of the skeletal, muscular and nervous systems
  • Improve your mood
  • Take care of the immune system
  • Reduce stress levels


This fruit originally comes from Asia but is now found all over the world. From Peru to the United Kingdom.

  • Improves your memory
  • Prevents heart disease
  • Helps in the fight against diabetes
  • Improves your digestion



Did you know that pineapple is not a fruit? It is actually hundreds of fruits in one. Hawaii produces approximately 33% of all pineapples in the world.

  • Provides many nutrients
  • Helps to improve circulation
  • Improves oral health
  • Boosts defences

These are all the ingredients of our Green Machine and some of its main properties. Although no less important than all the above is its incredible flavour, as we said, with a perfect balance between fruits and vegetables. We hope you liked it and that you are looking forward to trying it.  If you have any questions or suggestions you can find us on any of our social media platforms: FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

If you want more recipes and tips for your smoothies visit our blog.

If you want Life Smoothies to be part of your business, don’t hesitate to contact us: Tel: +971 (04) 354 2232 / [email protected].

Being the first, largest and most trusted IQF smoothie company in the Middle East affords Life Smoothies the confidence and expertise to supply the highest quality, fast-selling smoothie products to over 300 clients in the UAE, and over 1000 clients in the Middle East.

We are the key smoothie supplier to the food industry. Our smoothies represent a game changer business opportunity for management to increase profit margins and to generate extra revenue streams.

Until next time!