Some trends go as soon as they come. This not only applies to the fashion industry, but also the food industry. We want to reclaim one of Yves Saint Laurent’s most famous quotes: “Fashions fade, style is eternal”. It can be applied to many areas of life, including food. What we mean by this is that smoothies became trendy a while ago, but they have also become a way of life for many, and they are here to stay.

If you thought about trying them but were never totally convinced, here are 5 reasons to drink smoothies every day of the week. Take a look!

1. You’ll be giving your body loads of nutrition

According to the WHO, we should eat 400 grams of fruit and vegetables a day, which is the equivalent of 5 pieces in order to stay healthy. It is very important to take care of yourself and to do so every day. That’s why having a smoothie once a day can be the solution if you’re thinking of taking better care of yourself or continuing to do so, but in a more fun and creative way. In fact, by drinking just one of our smoothies, you’ll be getting half of the recommended foods and a whole host of vitamins, minerals and natural antioxidants.

You may be wondering; how can our smoothies retain all their properties? The answer lies in flash freezing. We make our smoothies from flash frozen IQF unpasteurised fruit, so they retain the taste, goodness, vitamins and minerals of freshly picked fruit.


We mustn’t forget how a good topping can add to our healthy smoothie. For example, chia seeds contain a high amount of omega 3, fibre, vitamins and minerals. Here you can see a complete list of toppings to help you take care of yourself and give your body more essential nutrients.

2. You’ll stay hydrated all day

As well as the recommended daily intake of fruit and vegetables, it is very important for adults to drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water per day. So, if you are someone who finds it hard to drink water, at LifeSmoothies we suggest you include our fruit and vegetable combinations into your hydration plan. This way you can provide your body with plenty of water every day with a delicious smoothie.

3. You’ll feel it day after day

Whether your goal is to lose weight, to improve your immune system or to simply continue to take care of yourself, over time you will notice a big improvement to your body. Because having a smoothie every day will make you a better version of yourself and above all help to prevent illnesses. Also, over time you will develop firmer skin and therefore prevent premature ageing.

4. You’ll save a lot of time in your daily routine

Our pace is a little faster today compared to a few decades ago and we strongly believe that time is precious. That’s why at LifeSmoothies we help make your routine more manageable as our smoothies are quick and easy to prepare.

When it comes to taking care of yourself, any time of the day is good, you just have to find the perfect moment: breakfast, mid-morning, after lunch, a tasty snack or a light dinner… there are many options and all of them are good!

5. Drinking smoothies is great fun!

Eating is a pleasure, and drinking smoothies is a delight! You can try different flavours every day of the week, in the smoothie world there is no such thing as getting bored. Also, as they are frozen, you can enjoy different flavours even if the fruit and vegetables are not in season.

If you have enjoyed reading this, we would like to finish with a little tip: Did you know that smoothies can help you eat that fruit or vegetable you’re not so keen on? You just have to find the perfect combination and add a small amount, the rest of the ingredients can help hide flavours you don’t like. For example, celery has many great properties but what if you don’t like it? Then try our Green Machine smoothie… you’ll be surprised!